Do’s and Don’ts of Mobile App Designs

First impressions always play a significant role, whether during an interview for a software developer job or your business’ mobile application. According to recent case studies, around 94% of website impressions are because of the design. However, mobile application design is not only about colour palette or typography but more about how user-centric the design is and how efficiently the application resolves people’s queries and needs. 

Silicon Valley Engineers focus on hiring UX experts to create a user-friendly and intuitive design to cater to their audience’s needs. Developing a mobile application is a significant investment from a business perspective, and it is essential to make it right. So, this blog discusses some of the dos and don’ts you should keep in mind while designing or approving the design for your mobile application.

Essential Things Remember While Building Mobile App Designs

Here are some tips that you can write down and implement while building the design for the mobile applications:

Things to Avoid While Building Mobile App Designs

After discussing the basic principles to keep in mind while designing a mobile application from a user perspective, let’s learn about the don’ts as well:

To Sum Up

Simple yet effective mobile design is essential to meet your user’s expectations. A UX and UI expert can help you develop better design possibilities and to-the-point features to gain your audience’s attention and make the mobile application interaction-friendly. A Silicon Valley engineer with expertise in UI design thinks about every button, icon, typography, imagery, and spacing to create a responsive and intuitive design. With every tap, swipe, and interplay, they weave a tapestry of capability and aesthetics that drives downloads, fuels engagement, and keeps your audience satisfied.

If you are looking for an adept remote software developer who can bring mobile design into reality, ThinkSmart experts can help you hire and onboard experts with experience and talent. Visit our website today and explain your requirements to our experts!

Frequently Added Questions

The real magic lies in understanding your users’ needs. Crafting an app that caters to their desires, pain points, and habits ensures it becomes a seamless part of their lives

Button sizes are like doorways to interaction. Keep them around 44px for a comfortable touch experience. Even if the visual is smaller, a larger clickable area minimizes errors.

While smartphones often favour larger hands, thoughtful design aims to be inclusive. Consider optimizing important interactions for thumb-friendly access, catering to various hand sizes.

Think of design as a dance between beauty and functionality. Strive for a cohesive style without compromising user-friendly layouts and intuitive navigation.

The real golden rule is prioritizing the user. From elegant typography to accessible interactions, every choice should amplify the user experience, making it a design they’ll love.