9 Important Reasons Why Your Business Needs Salesforce Automation

No matter which industry your business belongs to and what scale it functions at, it is bound to go downhill if you are not prioritising your customers. In the market that is highly competitive, you will be out in a jiffy even if you ignore complaints of a single customer!

Important Reasons Why Your Business Needs Salesforce Automation

Customers are rightly crowned as the “kings” of the market as they are ones deciding the market forces and ultimately the way you operate in the market environment. This is the sole reason why Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become one of the most important aspects to be handled by a business organisation.

Though every single department working in an enterprise is responsible for managing their customers, CRM is specifically taken care of by the marketing team as they are the ones directly interacting with the customers. When it comes to CRM, you need to take care of every single aspect of managing your customer, be it making them aware about your business, persuading them for interacting with your business and make a purchase, handling their queries and answering them, making provisions for conducting effective sales and providing efficient after-sale services on a periodic basis.

All these activities are conducted by marketing and especially the sales department on a daily basis. In order to ensure effective CRM, the need for enhanced customer database is critical. The customer database is nothing but a record of all the data relevant to your current, previous and potential customers. This is the data that is collected and managed by the sales representatives on a daily basis in order to carry out relevant marketing activities.

As a business organisation, you interact with hundreds and thousands of people on a regular basis. This means the data relating all these people need to be maintained by your team and process the same regularly. As it is humanly impossible to physically look into every single unit of this data, various CRM software platforms have come into the market that takes care of this issue.

What Is Salesforce and Salesforce Automation?

As mentioned above, many CRM software has been launched in the market for the purpose of making the work of handling customer database easier. Salesforce is arguably the biggest player in the CRM software market. Since it was launched more than two decades ago, it has created a special niche in the market and provided its services to several business enterprises.

Salesforce development is broadly concerned with managing your customer data with high automation and accuracy. It provides you with the services pertaining to the recording, segregating, processing and assessing your customer database in the most effective way possible.

Salesforce automation is nothing but the services provided by Salesforce that are computerised which your sales team is no more required to perform manually. These services reduce the time and money you would otherwise spend on getting the tasks done. Here are some of the most important automated services provided by Salesforce

  • Lead Scoring – A lead is essentially a customer you approach using marketing communication, persuading them to purchase your product. Salesforce management systems help you in gathering leads and duly recording them on their automated interface. Its automation also helps you in scoring leads, i.e. assessing the leads and letting you know which ones are more likely to follow up than others. High scoring leads are to be prioritised as compared to the ones that are not responding much.

  • Lead Qualification and Nurturing – This is the process in which Salesforce helps you in qualifying the leads that are responsive. Qualified leads are the ones that are showing an extremely positive interest in your business and should be taken care of the most. On the other hand, Salesforce would help you make a separate sales pipeline for the leads that are unresponsive in order to help you deal with them both separately.

  • Providing Feedback – Salesforce is not simply concerned with recording and processing your data. It also scans through the same and comes up with productive conclusive analysis. It provides you with relevant and productive feedback regarding the services you are providing and would also give you suggestions in the areas where you need to improve.

Salesforce automation systems provide you with unmatchable automated services that reduce the scope of error by your sales team to a great extent, saving you enough time that you may use in other productive manners. It is highly advisable to any business organisation to undergo Salesforce automation in their offices. Here are a few important reasons why Salesforce automation is necessary for your business:

Lost Opportunities

There are thousands of customers you are dealing with on a regular basis. It is extremely difficult for you to keep track of every single customer and provide them with relevant services. Salesforce automation would help you deal with this by providing you notifications in real-time if any opportunity is generated. This would help you take necessary actions immediately that are also duly recorded in the system, thereby saving you from a significant amount of lost opportunities.

Poor Prioritisation

As mentioned above, you deal with several customers on a daily basis and there are times when lead management gets messy. This makes your sales team confused as to which customers to cater to first. Salesforce’s highly automated system would assess your customer database and the leads you generated and would give you the list of customers you should be prioritising based on their responses and behaviour so that you can focus your marketing activities on the first.

Lack Of Forecasting and Intelligence

There may be cases when you fail to gauge the behaviour of certain customers and end up losing them. Salesforce is also an intelligent platform that would not only make the prescriptive analysis of your customer data but also scan the same and provide you with relevant predictions of the way your customers may behave in future. They keenly observe every activity you undergo and every response your customer gives you and makes valuable forecasting, helping you in making certain key decisions.

Employee Accountability

The automated platform of Salesforce maps every action of every employee against the opportunity they take care of. This makes your employees accountable for the activities they carry out and puts it out there for everyone to see. This effectively quantifies the performance of your employees and motivates them in working harder to achieve greater targets.

Collaboration and Data Sharing

One of the most important activities performed by Salesforce is that of integrating with third-party applications. This allows the users to avail features created by of both the primary Salesforce development company as well as the application they Salesforce is collaborating with. This process would only help you enhance your business and keeps your data absolutely secure.

Sales Team Management

The interface of Salesforce matches every activity with the opportunity it followed. Keeping a track of this would help you in managing your sales team better. Also, Salesforce would make an effective analysis of your activities and give you objective feedback that would help you in making certain key decisions pertaining to your sales team.

Read More:-Top Salesforce Integration Tools That Boost Your Productivity.

Lead Management

As mentioned earlier, Salesforce takes care of every step involved in managing the leads you generate. It provides you with a platform to store all your leads which are effectively scored and qualified according to their responses. Salesforce also helps you in nurturing the leads using the most effective communication channels. It also helps you in cleaning your sales pipeline by removing all the unresponsive leads and creates a separate pipeline for the same, allowing you to take care of each of the pipelines in specific ways.

Maintaining Schedule

As Salesforce allows you to keep a track of every activity performed by your sales team, it helps you in creating and maintaining a schedule. You are notified when an opportunity is closed and when new opportunities come up. You are also notified of every step your team is taking and the time taken by them in every step of lead nurturing. This gives you enough time and activity information to maintain an effective schedule.

Customer Personalisation

One of the key advantages of having Salesforce in your system is that it helps you give personalised services to your customers. It scans their responses and behaviour against your activities and ascertains specific likes, dislikes and interests pertaining to every single customer. This helps you approach every customer in a unique manner and tailor your services and communication channels according to the convenience of your customers. This makes them feel extremely special as you are customising your services for them.

The automation Salesforce provides you will not only be beneficial for your sales team and your business organisation as a whole, but also for the customers you provide your services to. Though it may be complicated for your personnel to have a hands-on experience on Salesforce and its updated versions, thorough training in the same is bound to work wonders!