Top Salesforce Integration Tools That Boost Your Productivity

Salesforce Integration Tools That Boost Your Productivity

There are some salesforce integration tools that are aimed to increase business productivity. Using these tools, you save a lot of time in your daily operations. Thus, this article has started a list of best productivity tools that can be used in the salesforce platform and give you an immersive experience.

Sales chatter

People generally don’t know the use of the salesforce platform effectively, to save time.  They think a third-party app would save them a lot of the time than inbuilt features that are present in salesforce. Most of the salesforce professionals state that one of the best salesforce tools can be regarded as the sales chatter.  76 % of the sales agents believe that when sales chatter is used, it provides the right balance between task and project management. Meaning you don’t have to log out from your business page to look at your social media handle.

If you want to post a product update in your social media update and establish real-time communication with the customer then you can do with this application.  With the help of the chatter, a business owner can allocate an entire social media campaign to a particular group and have the facility to see the constant updates.  For instance, a client has told a salesforce professional to create a personalized campaign for mobile phones. Then the entire social media marketing can be done by the salesforce team who will be connected to the project manager through the chatter.

Conga composer

Gone are times when people used external hard drives or pen drives to store customer interaction. Now a day’sclouds are used to store customer information and interaction.  Using the cloud to store customer mapping journey has proved to drive in more sales for the company.  With the conga compressor, your salesforce teams would not maintain a clumsy lifestyle of manual copy-paste. Salesforce will make use of this feature to store customer information into existing templates found in the conga compressor. The use of the software is simple and has an easy earning curve.

Each template is built to satisfy your business needs. For instance, the composer contains templates that can be used for a sales letter, invoice of vendor payments and for storing customer credentials.  In addition, the composer has a feature that directly attaches documents with the client record. For instance, you have pending payment to receive from the client; then the composer will automatically attach the remaining payment with the client’s documentation.

This makes business operations faster and provides a seamless workflow.  This has been regarded as one of the best salesforce productivity tools as customer record is stored on an automatic basis in a sales cycle.  In addition, when a document is attached to the client’s information, you will automatically get a notification

Sumo scheduler

This built to make appointments easy. Generally meant for companies that deal with the complex sales cycle. A well-known sales development company in India has stated as one of the most effective sales force tools in the salesforce platform because more time can be provided in the sales process.  In the recent studies made on the Salesforce platform, it is reported that 35 % of the salesforce professionals spend their time managing emails and attending to phone. This time can be minizines to a much greater extent with the help of the sumo scheduler.

For example, with this software, you don’t need to manually see an excel sheet and then call the client. This software will automate the process. Meaning it will schedule your call at 5 pm. 7 pm or 8 pm according to your needs. So, this maximizes business productivity and consistency. In addition, it provides you with consistent reminders. For example, if you have fed data in the application that you have a meeting at 8 pm and project submission at 10 pm, then the software will remind you of your task. In that way, you will never forget your daily task, though you might be very busy with your work.


All the tools that are mentioned above are aimed at increasing your business productivity. What if there is a tool that will let you hit your sales target.  Professionals of a salesforce development company in India, based in Pune, have stated that this tool will never let you miss your sales target since the application uses automation to update sales sheets and not manual updating.

Manual updating of sales sheet can drive people crazy, since every time a new customer is added, all the customer information needs to be added.  So, this application eliminates manual typing as customer data and it is stored right away with the help of the automation process. Imagine an application that will keep you hit you with a project success every time. Yes, this is possible with this software.

This software has built-in features that help your salesforce team to focus on the particular needs of the client and develop a project plan according to it.  So, this salesforce productivity tool can emerge successfully from each and every project

Ebsta inbox

This is software that will make your email marketing an easy process.  For instance, you have clients that reply to you in Gmail, and there are clients that reply to you in Yahoo.  So, you would need a platform that will provide you access to all the different emails in one forum.

Ebsta box in one such software.  In addition, this software has a number of features that increase your productivity in a number of ways. In the recent blog post made by one of the most reputed salesforce development company in India, it stated that this application has some out of the box features which can be stated as follows:

  • Trackable and personalized workflow can be created
  • Repay to the customer without having to visit the salesforce platform
  • Schedule emails according to your own needs and set time management for each email.
  • Keep on all the customer information in one single platform

Manage End to End contract lifecycle with Icertis

Salesforce has the facility of managing contracts for customers. Again, there are times when a company needs a top deal with complex data. By complex data, it means a company needs to create an Enterprise resource planning so that communications are seamless.  In addition, that company would need daily reporting of their daily operations so that ROI can be hiked.  If your contract management is not well established, then that means that you will lose business. In order to avoid this, Icertis has been created.

With this software, you can maximize workflows, collaborate and approve contracts within a matter of minutes.  With the help of this software, you are able to do calculated risks. For example, if a time comes where there would be cyberattack at your workplace, then this application would create risk management programs that would save you from this future loss. The application will suggest an incident report planning, disaster recovery planning so that these conditions can be avoided.  The pricing of the application is little on the expensive side, but it is totally worth your money.

Auto log your email activities with ToutApp

There are times when you forget to reply to your clients. Since there are so many emails that are stored in your inbox. Again, there are times when you need an email cover letter to present a business proposal.  So, this application will help you manage your application effectively.  This a tool that is used by most of the salesforce professionals to effectively manage their emails like sending the right kind of email to the right client.


Why these tools should be used

In 2015, salesforce released a new version of the software, and it was called salesforce lightning. With these features’ salesforce changed the world of technology, as now apps could be created at much lesser time.  In addition, salesforce released some productivity tools that would make business operations incredibly faster. Some of them were available in, and some of them had to be purchased from the App exchange.

The above mentioned are some of the application that has made salesforce a seamless platform. Be it email creation. social media post interaction, reporting, everything now can be done with ease. These salesforce integration tools changed the face of business. Now business owners who manage more than 1000 clients per day have found these tools incredibly helpful these have increased the sales and visibility the company

Though lightning provided serval advantages, it came with few limitations. First of all, when lightening components where used programming languages like Visualforce and Apex, the pages started to be unresponsive.

Meaning a website which has should have opened in 1 section would be talking 5 seconds. In addition, most of the salesforce professionals stated that it was not meant for small business owners. This went for large business owners who manage more than 1000 employees. So, to mitigate this issue, salesforce professional suggested the small business owners to first make a business plan stating the business goals of the company and then choose lightening features according to it.